Er der liv på Mars
Images of plants taken out of their natural element and isolated in an undefined space.
3 Photo series, variable sizes, 2018.
In the series of photographs titled “Is there life on Mars !?” Marie Rømer Westh works with images of wild plants collected at the former airport Tempelhof in Berlin. A place marked by ideological power demonstrations of the past.
The plants are taken out of their natural element and isolated in an undefined empty and dark room. A weightless and empty space reminiscent of the outer space or the bottom of the sea. With these images, Marie Rømer Westh creates an aesthetic and sensual experience of life in a dead space and thus a comment on the idea that human beings can leave earth and live on a dead planet.
The full scale series measure 130×180 cm therefore creating a mirroring effect between the viewer and the image thus making projection between audience and plant possible.

Fig. VI (Krog-plante), 130×180 cm

Fig. IV (Kløvplade, vinter), 130×180 cm
The project includes an audio piece created in collaboration with sound artist and DJ B9. A sound universe based on recordings from NASA and a sound design of what an ear would be able to hear in the silent outer space.
Outer Space
The project includes two smaller format series (40×40 cm and 100×100 cm) in which Marie Rømer Westh works with sections from the large plants. Here, details of the plants are explored with an increased state of weightlessness.

Fig. VII (Vild Kørvel, vinter), detail I,
40×40 cm
Fig. III (Rublad, vinter), detail I,

Fig. V (Brandbæger, vinter), detail I,
40×40 cm.

Fig. I (Gyldenris, vinter), detail I,
40×40 cm
Fig. II (Perikon, vinter), detail I,
40×40 cm

(Regnfan, vinter), detail I,
40×40 cm.

Fig. IX (Mønter, vinter), detail I,
40×40 cm

Fig. XX (Kløvplade, vinter), detail I,
40×40 cm

Fig. VI (Krog-plante, vinter), detail I,
40×40 cm.